Your Move around our college

Jessica Truss

Sustainability is not just for the environment, it's about the way we approach challenges and how sustainable efforts are for change. Our learning support team had the idea to order these amazing spin bikes for students to let off steam in a productive and positive way. We organised a projector for visual stimulation to engage students and help to reach distance targets of up to 20km in one sitting. Helping students see the potential of a bike for transport and understand their own capacity for them to use this as a sustainable mode of transport. Students are finding the competitive drive to push themselves and work towards physical goals they want to achieve, making this a viable option for gradable success, for students that have gotten to point of avoiding other in school sports.These bikes have been successful for distracting heightened students from potentially escalating further by burning that energy in a more positive way. The implementation of the bikes use in this way has already been very successful as a more sustainable way for approaching these kinds of episodes.

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James (Your Move)

Thanks for sharing this new idea Jessica. It has earned you 25 points, plus 15 innovation points. You have done a brilliant job of mapping out the potential benefits in detail and that has earned you another 10 points. It will be interesting a little down the track so see if there have been some students motivated to take up or increase 'real' bike riding as a transition from the spin bikes. I'll be watching this space!

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