Transport, Access and Parking Strategy

City of Subiaco

On 25 July 2017, the city’s Transport, Access and Parking Strategy was adopted by council and advocates for better public transport, and safe, accessible streets for walking and cycling. It proposes changes to parking management with simplified controls and live travel information.

The city has begun implementing actions under local government control and is working with transport organisations and state government to gain support and funding for the strategy.

The city has, over recent years, developed a range of transport related plans and strategies that seek to guide the improvement of transport to and within the City of Subiaco. This suite of strategies and plans include the City of Subiaco’s:
• Sustainability & Resilience Strategy 2016-2021
• Strategic Community Plan
• Corporate Business Plan 2015-2019
• Integrated Transport Strategy 2015-2020
• Parking Strategy 2012-2016
• Economic Development Strategy 2013-2017.

In addition to these documents, the City has also progressed on a range of transport or planning related studies, strategies and plans that are also relevant to the transport network within the City. These include:
• Draft Bike Plan
• Draft Positive Ageing Plan
• Parking Management Precinct Plans for the Town Centre and Subiaco East
• Subiaco Activity Centre Plan, the North Subiaco Structure Plan, and various reports on transport matters developed as part of the review of the City’s Town Planning Scheme.
• Potential to convert Hay Street and Roberts Road into two-way traffic flow corridors.

We are also working on a Corporate Carbon Reduction plan which includes staff travel during worktime, and design guidelines for self-explaining streets that prioritise sustainable transport modes.

This story is related to Promote active travel

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Kylie (Your Move)

Hi Julia, Great to hear Subiaco is shifting the way it designs streets to prioritise walking, cyling and public transport use. Having a strong policy backing behind what you are doing can really make a difference long term. I look forward to hearing how the City goes with reducing its corporate carbon footprint.

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