Staff Car Pooling

Danielle Howton
Honeywood Primary School

Throughout the year staff have been encouraged to car pool to and from work if they live in similar suburbs. The benefits of car pooling have been promoted with staff.

Staff have taken up the opportunity to car pool and have found the experience to be not only social and good for the environment but also a great way to be more interactive with other staff members.

Staff are also encouraged to car pool when attending Professional Learning (PL) off site.

Many staff in similar year groups have attended PL off site and have car pooled. This is also a financial saving for staff.

Staff social functions have also seen many staff car pooling to attend the event.

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James (Your Move)

Hi Danielle - that's great news! How does the system work - is it coordinated by someone or is it more spontaneous? Do you know the numbers who regularly pool to work?

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