MBS Celebrates Bike Week

Diane Sims
MBS Environmental

We are thrilled, over-joyed and ecstatic to announce MBS Environmental had 9 people ride to work today for Bike Week!! This beats our previous record of 8 people riding to work. How did we do it? We had a special lunch to celebrate Bike Week and encouraged everyone to participate. Riding isn’t for everyone, so some staff caught the train, bus or carpooled to work. Nine staff members riding to work out of 22 staff in our West Perth office is 40 % of our workforce and if we include people that didn’t use their cars, we had a whopping 60 % participating in some type of alternative transport to work today.

Cycling is good for your health, good for the environment and good for our communities. Each one of us can make a difference, together we can make change.

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Kylie (Your Move)

Hi Diane, well done I'm glad it was a success! David already awarded you 40 points for getting involved in Bike Week in a previous post - so I couldn't re-award you those points - but I have given you 10 bonus points for letting us know how many people participate and the percentage of staff who used active transport.

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