Conducting our First Parent Survey

Heather Barrett

It's been fantastic to see more of our students riding and walking to school over the course of the term. We thought it would be a great move to chat with our parents, carers, and families to find out more about how they get to school, and what we need to do to get active as a community.

We created a survey on Google Forms, as it was a simple and free method we had used before, and posted it everywhere! Class Dojo, the newsletter, staff bulletin, staff room wall, Facebook - we had it all happening! For our families with limited ICT access, we made the survey available on iPads around the school. Parents had the option to complete the short survey in their own time, or to complete it with the questions read aloud by a member of staff.

Our parent and family participation was excellent! We had a record level of participation - 56 surveys completed in one day! - and so many excellent suggestions about how we can improve what we already do. It is very encouraging to see that many families are keen to ride or walk more often - now, it's up to our community to make it happen!

This is only the beginning for our survey - we will continue collecting responses for the rest of the week to get as many people involved as possible. Once we have all our data, the student team will come together to reflect on what we now know about our community and its needs to improve our school. Bring on term two!

This story is related to Conduct your first parent survey

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James (Your Move)

Excellent work Heather. It seems all your efforts to ensure maximum inclusion have paid off. Did you have much uptake of the option for the survey to be done orally? For that option, did the participant still enter the survey results electronically? You have earned 60 points for your survey, plus 20 bonus points for sharing so many helpful details.

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