The ‘Hands Up’ Survey asks how students travelled to your school on a non-event day morning. Every classroom and every student present on survey day should be included. You will automatically receive points for completing a Hands Up Surveys, which can be conducted by various people – students from the Your Move student leadership team, teachers or even parent volunteers.

The following sections answer some of the big questions about doing a Hands Up Survey. If you have any further questions please contact us.

How do we do a Hands Up Survey?

We recommend you first print the downloadable PDF and fill out the table on page two, then enter the survey data into our handy online survey tool.

To fill it out online, log into your Dashboard, scroll down and click ‘Create new survey’ (or you can access the link from the 'Manage surveys' button). Make sure you name it according to the month and year. If it’s a Start or End of Year Hands Up Survey, name it as such (e.g January 2020 Start of Year Survey).


Then press ‘Continue to next step’ and click the ‘+Add class row’ button to add in all of your classrooms.

Enter each classroom’s recorded results and before submitting it, tick the ‘Save as new survey template’ checkbox and this will make filling out your next survey a lot quicker. Press ‘Submit survey’ and you’re done!

It’s a good idea to notify teachers of the survey a few days before via staff meetings and bulletins, but don’t alert students prior to the day – this would bias the results. A PA reminder on the day can really help support student survey teams in entering the classrooms.

Once complete you can get immediate statistics about how your school is tracking on the ‘Results’ page by clicking either the ‘View reports’ or ‘Manage Surveys’ buttons on your Dashboard.

You can export the graphs and share with your school community at an assembly, or by including the information in your school newsletter. You might like to report on if the goal you previously set was met and set another small goal to improve your results!

When should we survey and how many points do we get?

Start of Year Hands Up Survey data should be collected at the beginning of Term 1 and End of Year Hands Up Survey data should be collected towards the end of Term 4 each year – you’ll automatically receive 50 bonus points each time you complete a Start or End of Year Hands Up Survey.

You can also create a Hands up Survey anytime during the year to enable you to better track your progress. For these ‘normal’ Hands up Surveys, you’ll receive automatically receive a maximum of 20 bonus points each month that you complete one or more surveys.

Make sure you run the survey on a normal school day and not on a special event day (such as Ride2School day) where you are promoting walking, riding, scooting, skating or taking the bus to school.

Check the weather forecast in advance and avoid extreme weather days. Each classroom should be surveyed on the same date.

Why do we survey?

Hands Up Survey data is a great way to see what progress your school is making towards changing the travel behaviour of your whole school community. The data can be used to set small goals for the number of students who walk, ride, scoot, skate and take public transport to school.

Survey data is collated for all schools that take part in the Your Move program to see what is happening in schools across Western Australia. The statistics generated by these surveys are crucial to keeping the Your Move Schools program going strong.

Remember, to access a ‘Connecting Schools Grant’ later in the year, you must have completed both a Start of Year Hands Up Survey and an End of Year Hands Up Survey. (Don’t worry if your school has joined after Term 1, we simply ask that you complete a normal Hands Up Survey as soon as possible to be eligible).

You may also like to do additional surveys for your own purposes, such as prior to any school activity and afterwards, to monitor changes. Survey result information can be very powerful throughout ongoing campaigns when communicated visually.

Students from Coolbinia Primary School show how much they love walking, riding and scooting to school


Fill out our Hands up Survey online

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There’s no time like the present, so make Your Move now.
