End of Year Hands Up Survey for SPS

Sandy Cooke
Scarborough Primary School

We just completed our second "Hands Up" survey for the year. We decided to carry out the survey on the non-active days for a surprise to make it more accurate. We carried the second survey on what I called a Wacky Wednesday surprise on the 25th of November. Our usual allocated Active Travel days are Tuesday and Friday. Therefore, it was totally unexpected, as our allocated active travel was on the previous day!

The survey comparison shows the driving trend has reduced slightly from 56% to 54% and our active transport has increased slightly from 43% to 45%. These survey results provide a fantastic way to see evidence of positive change. This is an encouraging trend, and we need to keep the effort up.

As mentioned in my recent post we are reflecting on the different ways to continue to educate students about active travel to and from school. We are using posters, school’s outdoor notice board and encouraging the ‘drive, park and walk initiative’. Reinforcing this through whole staff memos, messages in the newsletter, and emails, with the aim to keep promoting active travel every day, and not just for the allocated Active Travel Days!

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James (Your Move)

You are certainly on the right track Sandy - and remember it was only two months that you joined the program! Yes, you have certainly done the right thing by doing your HUS on a "normal" Wednesday. Do you know why there are 24 more students in the second survey? Did one class miss out on the first one? You automatically got 50 points when you uploaded your "end of year" results, and now your have received another 10 for your reflections on the survey. Keep up the good work!

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Hi James - Thank you for your comments. Yes, one class was missed when it was captured online, but the hardcopy of the HUS shows the classroom stats. I was wondering about it, but thought it couldn't be added afterwards. Or can it?

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James (Your Move)

You are correct Sandy, unfortunately HUS data can't be added or amended after the fact.

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