Planning for NR2SD 2022

Lindi Harding
St Augustine's School

We had so many of our Yr 6 students volunteer to be in the your move leaders team that we have decided to share the opportunity and refresh the team each term. That means that each of our 4 teams has the opportunity to plan an event each as the school is planning for at least one event each term.

Last Thursday our Term 1 Your Move team held their first meeting as the your move student team. We started by discussing the responsibilities and expectations of the your move team and what we have planned for Term 1.

The majority of the meeting was dedicated to planning this team’s one big event - National Ride to School Day. We looked at the activity planner for inspiration on activities that we could hold alongside NR2SD to help celebrate the occasion. This team had big plans and didn’t stop at just one activity- in fact they chose 4!

  • Colouring in competition
  • Dress up your bike
  • Slow race
  • Breakfast event

With the activities decided, it was time to get down to the nitty gritty. Half of the group put their heads together to make some posters to put up around the school while the other half worked together to create a colouring in sheet to be provided to the classes in the lead up to the day. The found the resources on the NR2SD website useful.

After that we got crafty and made a ‘your move box’ for the colouring in entries to be returned to. The box now sits front and centre on the stage of our school undercover area.

While the group worked on their projects, I used the yourmove store to purchase some items for prizes - taking input from the student team as I went. I also purchased some your move polos for each student team member to wear on the day.

The energy from the Term 1 your move student team is amazing. I am looking forward to the festival atmosphere they have planned for NR2SD. They have certainly set the bar high for the next student teams in the following terms!

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James (Your Move)

Wow - great meeting, Team! You have earned 60 points for having a student team in 2022 and another 20 points for sharing so many details of their very productive first meeting. Great to see so many outputs already. It is also nice to see what you are spending your points on - the team members will really look the part in their team polos!

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