Library activities becoming a regular

Brianna Dye

Last week I organised some small activities in the library for the students who come in on a Friday at lunch time. It was a huge success and it sparked a lot of conversation about active transport. I thought, since i'm on duty every lunch time on Friday that it was the perfect opportunity to organise and supervise regular simple activities. Last time I had a word search and a spot the difference activity. This week I chose a word search and a design a bike activity. The students loved both of the activities and even asked to take some home!

You can see clearly from the photos below how much the students enjoy these fun activities. And, they are super easy to organise. I use a teacher site called Twinkl (you do need a subscription, however there are some free resources). I print off 5 copies of each :)

I even joined in on the fun with the students at the table, they loved hiding their answers from me and watching me enjoy learning about active transport with them.

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James (Your Move)

Thanks for the update on your weekly lunchtime series Bri - you have earned Swan View another 15 points for the activity plus 10 for a great story!

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Thanks James :)

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