WALGA Sustainable Transport Staff Profiles


During March WALGA promoted profiles of staff who use sustainable transport within the internal staff newsletter. Three staff were interviewed on how they travel to/from work and the benefits they get from having an active commute. The Your Move program has started with a bang this month and we hope to encourage and inspire more people to change their commuting habits to and from work.

This story is related to Promote active travel

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Kylie (Your Move)

Profiling Sustainable Transport champions is a great way to normalise walking, cycling and using public transport. They can really nudge people into thinking about if they could make a change. Did you just focus on people who ride bikes? Or did you feature those who walk and use public transport as well?

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Hi Kylie,

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Yes we featured one of each who rode a bike, walked and used public transport.

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Kylie (Your Move)

Fantastic. It is great to feature all three modes.

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