Holiday Professional Learning

Julia Calvert
Winterfold Primary School

During the latest school holidays, I jumped at the opportunity to attend a professional learning session run by WestCycle.

We first heard from Annita from Bramfield Park Primary about the Your Move program, how she runs this at her school and the benefits of the program.

Next up was Sam from Melville Senior High School about the different biking activities done at that school during outdoor education. It was interesting to hear how secondary schools address active travel. Melville have their own pool of bikes for students to access for activities. I also discovered through this that I should be accredited to run biking events such as slow bike races - added to my to do list!

Finally, Josh from WestCycle explained his role and how he can support us to promote active and fume friendly travel in our roles.

What I always find the most valuable at these events is the networking and casual conversations, sharing ideas and being inspired by others. Josh said they are planning more of these events and I thoroughly recommend them to all Your Movers.

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James (Your Move)

Hi Julia - I'm glad to hear that Active Travel is still top of your mind during the school hols 😊. You have earned 25 points for attending this PL session and another 10 for sharing the inside story with everyone!

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