Recently, I was contacted by Anna Gannet, who is a PHD student at UWA and also works at the Telethon Institute. She came and met with me to discuss the TREK (Travel, Environment and Kids) Project which Winterfold Primary was part of in 2005 – well before my time here. She showed me a presentation and gave me a copy of the 2005 report. UWA are wanting to repeat this research project and, Anna was meeting with me to gain my support.

I think this is a fantastic idea and certainly will give me information to use in my Your Move endeavours. I provided Anna with the parent survey results that I conducted a few years back and discussed other initiatives that I have tried to improve such as trying to get a traffic guards, Safe Routes to School Map and accessing grants.

I was surprised to hear that of the schools that were part of this projected in 2005, not many are Your Move schools. And of those, most are inactive. I can’t understand why any school would not want to be part of this fantastic, self-funded program!

Thankfully, the principal also agrees that this is a valuable thing to be part of so we look forward to participating in Term 3.

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