Looking to get your workplace active in Your Move? Promoting staff use of active transport can be a great way achieve workplace your goals, like tackling parking issues or boosting workplace health and well-being.

Where to start? A great way to get started is to use our travel plan template to get thinking about what you want to achieve and how to do it. A travel plan is a set of activities that an organisation implements to help manage how people travel to and from a site. Using this concise version of our travel plan template is an easy way to consider and choose the activities you want to run over the 6 to 12 months.

Jot down your ideas in the template below. Even better, discuss it with your colleagues or working group. Please contact the Your Move team if you need some help, like ideas on activities or pointers to resources on how to deliver them. See our Your Move calendar to find key dates that you can plan your activities around.

Once you have decided on your activities, Make sure you sync your activities on this template, with your activity list on your activity page.  That way you can “tick off” completed activities when you write a story about it, which will automatically give you redeemable points on top of any points that we give you for writing your story.

You can then redeem your points for active transport based rewards on our easy to use online shop.

Download the template below and get planning to help get your workplace moving.

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There’s no time like the present, so make Your Move now.
