Are you keen to get to know your local neighbourhood on foot, by bike, or using public transport? If so, it could be time to Map Your Move using one of our handy local area maps produced in partnership with local government.

Each map shows routes and local facilities such as supermarkets, dog exercise areas, public toilets, skate parks, playgrounds and post boxes. The guide shows bus routes and the location of bus stops. It also has lots of handy walking and cycling information, it shows bike routes, shared paths (for cyclists and walkers), bike lanes, walking trails, bike shops, bike repair stations and bike parking.

Free copies of Map Your Move are available from your local government authority, contact details are included on the maps. 

Please Note that bus and cycle routes may have changed since initial publication of the maps.

We can help you Map Your Move in other local government areas. To find out where click here.

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There’s no time like the present, so make Your Move now.
