
Our school consists of kindy-year 6 students from the meadow springs, Madora bay region of Mandurah in Western Australia. We are a community driven school with a strong belief that children are the heart of our school, that we should love lifelong learning, and that success does not look the same in all children.

Are you part of this organisation? Please refer to the contact email above to request an invite.

Current accreditation

Current accreditation points 345 Rewards Shop
Organisation start date 26/05/21
Points needed for next accreditation level:
Current redeemable points:
Highest accreditation achieved: 2023 Platinum
How does accreditation work?

Redeemable points vs Accreditation points?

Did you know, spending your redeemable points in the Rewards Shop doesn’t affect your accreditation level?

find out more