How do employees get to and from your workplace? Are people interested in walking, riding a bike or catching public transport more? Is your active transport effort making a difference?

An employee travel survey is a good way to answer these questions and others. Your Move offers an online survey tool to make it easy to run a survey with employees at your workplace. With the results you can make informed choices about what activities to run and assess the effect on employee travel.

Things to consider:

  • Can all employees be sent a link to the survey and complete it online? Are there some employees who might need a printed version or other help to be included?
  • What would encourage employees to take part? Having the right person promote the survey or offering an incentive (e.g. chance to win a shopping or café voucher) could boost participation. The more the better to help make the survey results representative of the workforce.
  • When promoting the survey, what communications channels would work best? It might be an email to all employees at your site or an intranet article or posters in the kitchen or mention at team meetings.
  • What do you want to find out? Check the questions included in the Your Move survey. Are there others you want to add? Remember not to make the survey too long or complex as this can discourage people.
  • If you want to cover more than one site or compare results for different business units or roster patterns, you could have a separate survey for each site or include questions so you can segment responses.
  • Run the survey in a typical work period and at a time of year when you could run it again in 12 months. Avoid school holidays and hot or wet weeks.

There may be other ways to seek input from staff or see how they are commuting, and using more than one method can provide better information for decisions or reporting your impact.

Check out the survey tool here. If you need help with the survey or other data gathering contact the Your Move team.

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