Parent's engaged and rewarded

Lindi Harding
St Augustine's School

Each term the parents of St Augustine's Primary School are encouraged to make a pledge to assist their children to learn safe active travel behaviours.

I have found that the best avenue for engagement in this activity is via a 'Facebook Poll'. In Term 2 I decided to provide an extra incentive to parents to make a pledge.

I left the poll active for a few weeks and then sent a reminder on the morning before the poll closed.

I printed each of the pledges with the corresponding names so that the winner's pledge was read out to the whole school at the prize draw. This helped cement the message to the students that their parents are playing a vital role in providing support to them to learn safe active travel habits.

With great excitement the winners were drawn to a full school audience at recess time.

After school when the winning parents came to meet their children, there were smiles all round, with children showing pride in their parents engagement with the Your Move program.

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James (Your Move)

I'm glad to hear that the Pledge activity continues to work well with the Facebook poll. It is nice to see the way you present the quotes at assembly and to see how well the umbrellas are received 😁. You have earned 50 points for your Term 2 pledge activity, plus 20 for clearly explaining how it all works.

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