Scavenger hunt gets feet on the ground

Lindi Harding
St Augustine's School

Our YM Student team decided to create a scavenger hunt to encourage our school to get out on their feet as part of the festivities for Walk to School Day.

They used Canva to design and create the worksheet and then handed them out in several modes to ensure nobody missed out or forgot theirs in their tray or bottom of their bag.

  • Handed one to each student in their classrooms
  • Online to parents via school app
  • Print outs available in front office

As the students filed in through the gates wiith their completed worksheets, their names were taken down to keep a record for the prize draw.

Feedback from parents was that the streets surrounding the school were buzzing with students excitedly seeking clues and comparing notes. They said there was a real community atmosphere likened to Halloween.

The prize winners were very happy with their loot, which was purchased from the reward store.

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James (Your Move)

I like the worksheet you created Lindi! You must have been very happy to hear that positive feedback 😊. This activity earned you 25 points, plus you got 20 for the details and for including the worksheet.

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