Dom - Tuart Hill Your Move Student Leader Champion

Wendi Graham
Tuart Hill Primary School

This is Dom. He is one of my Your Move Student Leaders. He was chosen because he wrote the most amazing application form. At our Student Leader meetings he is very animated, always offering new and interesting ideas.

Recently he led the most populated Talk n Walk group - The west side group which started at a park. He found it quite stressful to be the leader of so many people, but he didn't let on, and he proudly led his group to school.

The school noticed his commitment and professionalism and awarded him a merit certificate at the senior assembly.

Dom is awesome!

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James (Your Move)

Clearly Dom IS awesome - and so too is this little case study, Wendi 😊! You have earned 10 points for sharing your engaging insight into Dom's achievements and 25 points for including Active Travel in your assembly. Great to hear that you are including Your Move achievements in your merit certificates at Tuart Hill.

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