Bramfield Park Primary School earned enough points in Your Move stories to become DOUBLE PLATNIUM accredited in 2023. We received our sticker in the mail earlier this year along with an amazing letter celebrating our school’s success.

It’s wonderful to see students walking past and acknowledging the sticker that has been recently placed to promote our successes. The sign is strategically placed in between the bike shed and our main undercover area. This has great exposure due to high pedestrian traffic from students and families that go past this location every morning prior to the first bell to start each day. Also, all students pass this area when going to specialists’ classes and during break times daily.

The Your Move Action Team continue to have high expectations and in our 2024 planning meeting we set a goal to achieve Double Platinum. Bramfield Park Primary’s school community is always so proud of YM achievements as we continuously communicate them in our newsletter, social media, to the school board and P&C. Community partnerships have also been an integral part to increasing active travel at our school, such as the DoT YM program, West Cycles, Chris Tallentire MP for Gosnells. A true school community partnership that continues to achieve Double Platinum success.

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Congratulations Bramfield PS on achieving Double Platinum in 2023. Congratulations too, on building pride and awareness within the student cohort for YM achievements. Congratulations also for creating a long list of community partnerships. Incredible work all round. 15 points for celebrating your milestone and 10 for your story. 🎉🎊

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