Our school's Your Move student leaders have noticed an increase in the number of students participating in Wheel or Walk Fridays (WWF) this term. With many students now onto their second star card, our leaders are starting to give out slap bands as the first card completion reward. Any completed star card goes into a raffle at the end of the year to win some great prizes.

In 2023, with our local member of Parliament, Mr Chris Tallentire MLA, donating a $400 bike voucher, plus runner up prizes of 3 scooters and 3 helmets. We are extremely grateful for his generous contribution to our school in encouraging our Your Move program. We hope we are able to again have his support with the donation of prizes.

Finally, it was nice for our Principal Mr Holmes to receive our gold accreditation sticker late last term. We have now installed it on our second Your Move sign outside our undercover area. This year we hope to achieve gold or higher.

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Hey Jessica - really awesome to hear about the increase in active travellers!!! 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️ Congratulations on the GOLD accreditation level for 2023! 🏆🏆🏆 You and your team have gained 50 points for your slick rewards campaign, 15 for the milestone celebration and 10 for this update. Ride ON! 💛💙

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