At St Bernie's we are gathering a lot of speed when it comes to our regular Fume Free Friday's. However, this year the Year 6 Your Move student leaders decided to ignite our regular Fridays with a bang and organise our BEST National Walk to School Day. Here's how the event ran :)

** Our 'Your Move' student leaders and myself met every Tuesday lunchtime to discuss their roles.

** We registered online for the National Walk to school day and locked in 19th May 2023.

** Our admin staff invited put out newsletter articles, advertising our event to gather interest.

** Rockingham council provided us with a $200 to help host the event

** On the day, we asked our gardener to dress up in our amazing BERNIE BEAR suit and High 5 our students and families on the day.

** We arrived early on the day and prepared warm Milos to serve to everyone who walked to school. We also gave our Crosswalk attendant a free milo :)

** Our Principal, Mr T and our school dog, Fred awaited families at our local IGA, approx 1km away at 8am on the day. This was our first walking school bus this year and we had over 100 families join in.

The school was BUZZING with smiles and families as we saw everyone come into school, come 8:15am. Every student who walked received a free warm milo and for additional sustainability, students brought their own reusable cups to enjoy their drinks. Stickers, tattoos and raffle tickets were handed out by the leaders and we had the biggest walking school bus numbers we have ever seen. Such an unbelievable event and we have our amazing leaders and support staff to thank. We are already looking forward to next years Walk to School Day.

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James (Your Move)

Great to see you back for 2023 Kristy 😊. Well you have certainly been busy, if a little quiet 😉! Thanks for this big update, I'd hate to think of you missing all those points. Great to hear that your FFF are firing along and that your NWS2SD event went off with a bang 💥. You have earned 90 points for your FFFs this term, 40 for the event day, 25 for including the park and walk, 10 for your team meetings, 25 for your newsletter promos of YM and a final 20 points for sharing all those story details. Remember to give us updates each term to make sure you don't miss out on any points (for your FFFs you can actually get points for the updates TWICE per term now!).

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