Brightly-coloured symbols have recently been appearing on White Gum Valley’s footpaths.

The painted feet and stop-signs have been produced by students at White Gum Valley Primary School, to help students navigate safe routes walking to school.

The symbols work as visual reminders of where to stop, look and listen for traffic, including on busy carriageways that surround the school.

This exciting news was reported in the school’s end of term newsletter Principal’s Message:

'For those of you who walk to school you may have come across stop signs and blue feet painted on the footpaths leading up to the school.

A group of 11 senior students worked with WestCycle to undertake the painting activity which was funded through a grant from the Department of Transport, ‘Your Move’ program.

Next term a map showing a variety of routes to school will be made available to our families.'

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James (Your Move)

Wow - that paint is looking super vibrant Nyanda! Great to hear that there were 11 'workers' beavering away at this activity. You have earned 70 points for your school's efforts, 22 points for your Term 3 newsletter article and 10 points for your engaging story! Have a great break and see you in a couple of weeks 😊.

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