EHPS Term 3 Update

Kirrily Atkins

This term the Your Move team has been busy giving out raffle tickets to those students who arrive at school using a sustainable mode of transport. These students go into the draw to win some amazing Your Move prizes including bike locks, bike repair kits, bike bells, T-shirts, backpacks, and water bottles that were purchased with our previously earned Your Move points. They were thrilled to see their names pulled out from the weekly raffle at Friday’s assembly, and be able to choose a prize. The Your Move team was also ecstatic to be able to place their Gold accreditation sticker on the Your Move whole school display board.

Our Your Move team have continued to meet weekly on a Thursday to discuss and brainstorm how we can continue to improve our use of sustainable methods of transport. Based on our weekly Hands Up survey data, the team is encouraging classes who would benefit from some additional support to improve their sustainable transports methods.

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