National Ride 2 School Day

Danielle Howton
Honeywood Primary School

What a fantastic turn out for Ride 2 School Day!!!

It was lovely to see students and families riding and scooting to school.

What an added bonus receiving a piece of fruit, a drink box and getting to ride down the Red Carpet like a celebrity on their bikes or scooters.

Some families collected the safety packs which was full of interesting information on how to be safe on the roads and in the community.

Parents could also get a free coffee from the Coffee Van.

We had parents stay after to discuss the walking School bus initiative and 4 put their name down as they are interested in exploring the initiative further, which was fantastic.

We also had families parking down the road and riding or walking the rest of the way to school. What a great way to elevate traffic congestion and to have some fun family time on the way to school.

A huge thank you to the City of Kwinana for supporting this event.

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