Your Move Super Boost Winner!

Merinda Smith
Honeywood Primary School

At Honeywood Primary we have been so lucky to hear that we have been selected as a Super Boost winner!

We have chosen the Teacher Accreditation Course: Cycling funding, this provides teachers with the knowledge and skills to be deemed compliant when conducting bike riding activities, both on and off school grounds.

The funding includes: 3 hours of online learning module and 4 hour practical training on road cycling and mountain biking, in low to moderate competency environments.

Our sports teacher will be participating in this training and we look forward to the endless possibilities this training will open up for our sports and Your Move events.

This story is related to Apply for a grant (13)

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Rebecca (Your Move)

Hello Honeywood PS! Hello Merinda! 😃 Great news. Looking forward to hearing how the fantastic cycle training goes and THEN all the fun everyone will get up to participating in AT Your Move events and adventures over the coming months and years! 😉 You have earned 20 points for applying for a grant plus an additional 10 points for this detailed and enthusiastic story.

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