2022 National Ride2School Day

Sharnie Stuart

National Ride2School Day was a success despite what is going on in these times! Firstly, Mount Lawley Primary School (MLPS) registered for National Ride2School Day via this website - https://www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/rides-and-events/ride2school/ride2school-day/

MLPS then planned what we'd like to occur on National Ride2School Day as follows:

  • 2 x prizes for students who have chosen active transport (compliments to Malaga Cycles for the gift vouchers due to a Your Move competition), via a raffle ticket competition;
  • Distribution of purchased Your Move stickers to those that have chosen active transport; and
  • Reinforcement in the MLPS newsletter, Connect Notice and official & P&C Facebook pages to promote National Ride2School Day.

MLPS was happy with the overall participation from adults and students for National Ride2School Day, it was a success!

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James (Your Move)

Wow - that Cat bike is impressive, if rather scary 😉! You have earned 40 points for your NR2SD event plus 10 points for using Connect and social media this term to promote active travel. There is also 10 points for sharing the details of your promotions and rewards. Great to hear that it wasn't just the kids and that the adults got involved too 😀.

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