Advocating for Active Travel

Heather Barrett

As the Neerigen Brook team is pretty small, promoting active travel is basically preaching to the choir. Resident Director would have to be Liz, who has been walking to and from school for the last TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. Someone get this woman a medal, stat!

This term, we have been fortunate to have five new staff members join us at NBPS. Not only have we been enjoying getting to know each other and having all sorts of interesting conversations, but we have also had some awesome opportunities to discuss active travel and keeping healthy.

As our wellbeing focus for the year centres around work-life balance, we ensure that we make time to discuss our goals at weekly team meetings. Team meetings provide fantastic opportunities to check-in, share successes, and troubleshoot challenges that we are facing. At my team's last meeting, we had a very productive discussion about physical wellbeing that led to conversation about the carpool system. One of our team members already has a carpool buddy, and we were delighted to discover two of our new team members live quite close to each other! Now that we've discussed it, we'll be hoping to report some progress on this goal in our next update...

Not pictured: me attempting to rollerblade to work in this wintery weather.

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James (Your Move)

Great to hear how you have been promoting AT to new staff and that you are having progress with the carpooling initiative. Apart from your in-house superhero, Liz, how many others would you say walk, ride or use PT to get to school?

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Hi James! The majority of our staff live more than a 20 minute walk from the school, which limits riding/walking. We have 4 pairs who carpool and 1 person who uses public transport. We are hoping to see an increase after works on the Armadale/Thornlie line finish, though that will take a long while!

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James (Your Move)

It looks like you are off to an excellent start Heather 😁. Thanks for the update.

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