Promoting for 2022

Arlene Yates
Warnbro Primary School

Yesterday the Team presented to the Year 4s & 5s about being part of the 2022 YM Team.

I chose to be part of the YM Team because I thought it would make me smarter & it did. It is a great experience to work as a team. Special awards come along the way, like, for example, the RAC Intellibus. Riding the Intellibus came about after we went to a Leadership Lab where we had to pitch a plan. The other schools attending thought we had the best plan so we won the prize (a ride on Intellibus!) How we get rewards: we write stories which we post on the YM website & earn points which we can spend in the Rewards shop. Travis

The experience of being part of a team is great. Through our events & campaigns we have tried to create a safer & healthier school. There is also the great opportunity for making new friends & gaining more confidence with doing assemblies as well as talking in big crowds. Jack

I would recommend being part of the YM Team because you go on cool excursions & you can learn different types of vocabulary. We also host NWS2SD & WnW2SD. There are lots of benefits: For me, it was learning about AT. For school, it is a smaller carbon footprint & fewer cars makes it safer. For everyone, it is becoming more confident, making new friends & socialising with different groups. Eli

Being part of the YM Team is great! We do lots of interesting events like RAtW & NWS2SD. We also talk at assemblies which has taught me to be more confident when talking in front of a crowd. I also spoke to people new to me & made friends. The benefits: Interesting excursions. AT= make a change from cars to bikes. Making friends. Experiencing leadership roles eg speaking at assemblies. Writing stories= points= stuff for school= happy healthy people! Juliette

Being part of the YM team means learning new things & making new friends. Some things we do in YM are: R2SD/DYWs, RAtW, NWS2SD/WnW2SD and more! I wanted to be part of the YM Team so I could learn new things. We have done lots of interesting things like ride the RAC Intellibus. With stories that we wrote we earned enough points to fund 4 classes going to the amazing Constable Care Safety School. Being part of YM helps lessen our carbon footprint & reduce traffic around our school. My FAVOURITE part is presenting at assemblies & talking with the Team about new ideas. Being part of the YM Team means benefits not only for yourself but everybody! Aryanna

Mentor's note: No wonder the Team were voted best by their peers! Always interesting perspectives.

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