There is More Than One Pathway...

Arlene Yates
Warnbro Primary School

I have mentioned in the past of the collaborative approach between the YM Team and the P&C to get a Walking School Bus up & running. We were set to run 2 "trial" WSBs on our recent walk day. Both went well with our 2nd one even "picking" some passengers up at a "bus stop" along the way.

Following our walk day we held our usual de-brief (including writing the associated story.) After this President Melissa met with the Team to explain some of the hurdles she had faced. We discussed CIA & that sometimes things are out of our hands, meaning that even though we have all the will in the world what we WOULD like to happen won't but not because of our attempts.

President Melissa thanked the Team for all that had been done so far & apologised for the lack of parent involvement to ensure a viable WSB. She also made a point of stating that the Team would always be acknowledged as the WSB catalyst. We then discussed alternative pathways; continuing the neighbourhood walking groups, continuing to mention WSB & the possibility of re-painting the path symbols in the new year (a task we are now handing onto the P&C as time restraints preclude the Team from doing this). So a different pathway may deliver the reality of a WSB but later rather than sooner. And of course as Aryanna suggested there is always "pester power!"

Although the outcome was not the one any of us had wanted to hear, it was a good learning experience for the Team to be able to discuss with our collaborator (P&C) the good & not so good & how we can move forward. In a nutshell, another life lesson.

This story is related to Start a Walking School Bus

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James (Your Move)

Hi Arlene - such a good attitude! It has taken me a long time in life to realise that good things take time and mostly all work out in the end - so how wonderful for your team to be understanding that already. I'm glad to hear the CIA (Control-Influence-Acceptance) principal is getting a good workout too! We'll your first steps and big efforts by everyone have earned you 90 points and hopefully more in the future. It might be worth having a chat to Carol-Ann or Dave to brainstorm the issues and see if some of the barriers can be broken down more easily that initially thought.

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Thanks James, for your reassuring words. We do a lot of "baby steps" to achieve stuff so this is just another example just slightly more challenging! The suggestions of trial WSB (on our walk days) & neighbourhood walk to school groups emanated from one of our COR YM networking sessions earlier in the year with COR's Penny & Carol-Ann offering these ideas. Be assured we will keep working on "alternative pathways!"

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