Coolbinia Primary has a dual approach to collecting Your Move survey data. On Friday 20th May, National Walk Safely to School Day, the Year 4 Your Move team will be busy ... but we are preparing for this now!

The team will collect survey data from Kindy, Pre-primary and Year 1 classes by visiting them face-to-face and asking how the children came to school. Team members will rehearse the process of visiting these classes this week. For example, they will pretend to knock on the door and politely excuse their interruption to the lesson, then ask the teacher if it is convenient to collect the data at that time or come back later. After collecting the data they need to thank the teacher and class for supporting Your Move.

For Years 2-6 the Your Move team is currently working on preparing a digital survey with QR codes. These older year level classes will submit their transport information using their class iPads. This approach embeds the Your Move program into Digital Technology lessons.

The findings from both survey sources will then be combined into a whole school data sheet and submitted to the Your Move Schools website. Thanks to our hard-working Year 4 Your Move team!

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James (Your Move)

Hi Elaine. Clearly lots of thinking and planning on your behalf has go into place to work out this survey strategy - so I have linked your story to the activity "Schedule a regular planning session", which earned you 15 points. You also earned another 10 for clearly detailing how it is all going to work. I look forward to hearing how it all goes on the 20th!

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I love the idea of the older kids submitting their own data! We may trial this at Lake Gwelup too. 😊 Excellent work as always, Elaine and Coolbinia!

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Thanks Joanna & James for your feedback. I'll tell our Digital Technologies Specialist, My Wilson, about your comment Joanna, as he teaches our Year 4 students how to create the digital surveys and QR codes.

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