Hands up Survey Reflections

Kate Hingston

Today we completed our first Hands up survey for the year. It was interesting to see how our travel habits have changed since we conducted our last hands up survey in 2020. We have a lot of work to do getting our students out of cars and on to bikes, but as we are just reinvigorating our Your Move Program, we are keen and hopeful that we make some improvements. Our school has grown to 630 students this year and with already limited parking we need to work on traffic management around our school. One sure way to help this will be by having less cars on our roads. We have a great plan ahead to promote more healthy transport habits and look forward to seeing our Hands up results improve in the coming terms.

This story is related to Reflections on a Hands up survey

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James (Your Move)

Hi again Kate - good work getting this new baseline in place - you have earned 10 points for sharing your reflections here on top of the 50 you earned for submitting the survey. Wow 630 pairs for feet to get out on the beat - I look forward to hearing about all your plans when the time is right!

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